I had put this code on my Page_load event
wpf.Visible = True
wpf.ImageUrl = "http://samples.infragistics.com/2008.2/webfeaturebrowser/images/top_left.jpg"
And i was put the object on my default page
<ig:WebImageViewer ID="WebImageViewer1" runat="server" Height="120px" Width="470px" ScrollAnimations-Type="NextItem"
StyleSetName="Nautilus" EnableTheming="true">
<Header Visible="true" Text="Product Picture">
<Footer Visible="true" Text="Select a product for more information.">
When the page start i don't see any image loaded on the object .
And i can see on the HTML page the code
<img border="0" id=":428111986.4:adr:0" class="igiv_NautilusImage " src="." alt="" style="height:100%;visibility:hidden;" />
NO SRC was refer to image and also visibility it is hiden ..
I tried to reproduced the issue and can`t see the described behavior. When I inspect HTML code with firebug I see this tag for picture:
<img border="0" style="height: 100%;" alt="" class="igiv_Image" id=":428111986.4:adr:0" adr="0"
src="http://samples.infragistics.com/2008.2/webfeaturebrowser/images/top_left.jpg" />
You can look at this screenshot:
Please, find the project attached.
Thank you for your answare . And Attach file you are very Kind.
You use version :
<add assembly="Infragistics35.Web.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB" />
Instead my version
If i undestand well the versioning you are usin .NET Framework 3.5 Instead .NET Framework 2.0 could you send me a project demo with my version because i try yours and sure dosn't work on my system .
Best Regaards
Hello Alessandro,
Unfortunately no matter how hard I tried, I was not able to reproduce the problem locally for CLR 2.0 as well. I guess the best way to proceed right now is to contact our Developer Support department directly (if you have the time, with a small subset of your project reproducing the issue - this will make things much faster). They can be reached at: