I'm using the WebMonthView (Version=15.1.20151.1018) to display some data "Training and Employee time"(Training) , "Equipment Rental and Employee time " (Equipment), and "Training, Equipment Rental and Employee time" (All).
I have 2 Panels, one with the filters to display the time, the other with the WebMonthView. Both panels are update panels.
I'm using the WebScheduleGenericDataProvider's ResourceDataSource to switch the calendar between the 3 views.
Right now there is no scheduled equipment data, so views Training and All have the same data.
When I load the Training view for last month the data is displayed all on one line for the week of the 9th, in the all view it displays fine.
When I load this month, the Training view is fine but the All view has the same display issue as last month's Training view.
I've tried removing all the custom formatting we do, changing the times of the appointments, changing the WebScheduleInfo1.ActiveDayUtc, taking everything out of the update panels i'm not sure what to try next.
<ig:WebMonthView ID="WebMonthView1" runat="server" WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1" Height="800px" Width="100%" NavigationAnimation="Linear" WeekendDisplayFormat="Full" WeekNumbersVisible="False" EnableMultiResourceCaption="True" EnableMultiResourceView="True" StyleSetPath="" EnableAppStyling="True" AppointmentFormatString="<SUBJECT>" AppointmentTooltipFormatString="<LOCATION>"> </ig:WebMonthView> <ig:WebScheduleInfo ID="WebScheduleInfo1" runat="server" EnableRecurringActivities="True" EnableSmartCallbacks="false" EnableAppStyling="True" EnableMultiDayEventBanner="True" EnableMultiResourceView="true" EnableMultiResourceCaption="true" ReminderFormPath="forms/Reminder.aspx" EnableReminders="false"> </ig:WebScheduleInfo> <ig:WebScheduleGenericDataProvider runat="server" ID="WebScheduleGenericDataProvider1" WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1" AppointmentBinding-StartDateTimeUtcMember="AppointmentFromDate" AppointmentBinding-AllDayEventMember="AllDayEvent"> </ig:WebScheduleGenericDataProvider>
i had a big long reply that said it was pending approval, i don't know why it wasn't approved, this is really fustrating
WebMonthView1.Visible = true; IList Resources = null; Resources = GetResources(); WebScheduleGenericProviderBindings(); WebScheduleGenericDataProvider1.ActivityDataSource = CurrentCalendarAppointments; WebScheduleGenericDataProvider1.ResourceDataSource = Resources; Session["WebSchdeuleObjects"] = new object[] { Resources, WebScheduleInfo1.Appointments, CurrentCalendarAppointments }; WebMonthView1.DataBind(); WebScheduleInfo1.DataBind();
the WebMonthView is in an update panel but it has the same behavior inside or outside the panel. we do some custom css on the appointments (colouring) but even when i remove it it still has the odd/bad line.
DateTime Helper1; DateTime Helper2; DateTime Helper3; if (DateTime.TryParse(QuickDateControl1.Earliest.Text, out Helper1)) { if (DateTime.TryParse(QuickDateControl1.Latest.Text, out Helper2)) { TimeSpan diff = (Helper2 - Helper1); Helper3 = Helper1; Helper3 = Helper3.AddDays(diff.Days / 2); Helper3 = Helper3.AddHours(8); WebScheduleInfo1.ActiveDayUtc = new SmartDate(Helper3); } }
This sets the calendar to the middle of the date range, normally a month
if (chkShowExceptions.Checked && (rdoView.SelectedValue == "Monthly" || rdoView.SelectedValue == "Weekly")) { List<AppointmentObject> Exceptions = DALCompany.GetExceptionCalendarAppointments(QuickDateControl1.Earliest.Text, QuickDateControl1.Latest.Text, "", "", ("[" + DALSettings.GetProgramParameter(MineMonitor.User.ProgramID, "TrainerGroup") + "]"), "", "", true, MineMonitor.User.ProgramID, true, "All", "", 0, true); if (Exceptions != null) { foreach (AppointmentObject Exception in Exceptions) { Exception.COMM = Exception.Subject; Exception.Color = "ffcccc"; Exception.IsException = true; Exception.AppointmentFromDate = Exception.RecDate.Value.AddHours(4); if (Exception.AppointmentToDate == null) Exception.AppointmentToDate = Exception.AppointmentFromDate.Value; CurrentCalendarAppointments.Add(Exception); } } }
this is the data for the grid, we have tried changing the offset of the hours on both the records and the ActiveDayUtc, the offsets might help but both active resources have the same data set so i'm at a loss as to why one would display correctly and the other not.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Do you have a sample that demonstrate this issue that you can attach? So I can look at the code and look into what might be causing this behavior for you?