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using custom location instead ig_common - Scripts load errors?

Hi there I followed theis article on how to use web.config to change the directory locations but I get the following script load error:

A Runtime Error has occurred.
Do you wish to Debug?

Line: 3311
Error: Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: The script 'JS/NetAdvantage/20081CLR20/Scripts/ig_shared.js' failed to load. Check for:

 Inaccessible path.

 Script errors. (IE) Enable 'Display a notification about every script error' under advanced settings.

 Missing call to Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded().
Yes   No  

in my web.config I've got the following entries:

    <section name="infragistics.web" type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>


    formsDirectory="JS/NetAdvantage/20081CLR20/Forms" />

 Things to note:

  •  I want to use relative paths as defined above because the app is deplaoyed in a virtual directory which name can vary.
  •  I use the WinGrid with the excel exporter only
  • When I try to access the reported javascript file in the error above: 'JS/NetAdvantage/20081CLR20/Scripts/ig_shared.js' the browser loads it witout problems so it is accessible.
  • I have checked the directory security and it is set to anonymous
  • IMPORTANT: The WebGrid is being loaded as a result of an UpdatePanel postback. I'm referring to the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit updatepanel control. Until I swiched the scripts directory from 'ig_common' to the one specified above Ihaven't had any problems with the WebGrid scripts loading.

And this is where I run out of ideas....

Any help greatly apreciated! 

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