I create a BarColumnLine chart well but i want a stacked column + Line :( so i try to use composite chart.
Now, i create my first composite chart (stacked column + line chart) with the wizard designer. I fill the data source with the code behind :
ultraChart.Data.DataSource = table;
but it fill only the stacked column chart not the line chart. How i specify the datasource link to the stacked chart and the line chart ?
Do you know if is it possible to create composite chart with wizard and fill different data source charts by the code behind ? If yes, how please?
Thank you.
Hi jc,
There is more information in that error message that is being cut off. If you hover over it, a tooltip with the full error message will show up.
The full message mentions that the AxisX should have the SetLabelAxisType set to ContinuousData, and in your screenshots you have it set to GroupBySeries.
If you change the SetLabelAxisType for your "axis1" to "ContinuousData", this should no longer be an issue.
If you need anything else, please let me know.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Another stuff, so when i try to create my composite chart(stackedColumn chart + line Chart) by the wizard designer chart, i get an issue after i added new chartType : ChartLayer "Line Chart" with the axis. Before this step, i created an another area with axisX(string) et axisY(Numeric) but i still get the error with axis.
I attach printscreens. Can you help me again ?
I would like create the composite chart by the wizard designer and fill serie by code behind.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for posting in our forums!
You will need to set the DataSource for each series. You can see an example of this below:
NumericSeries ns = (NumericSeries)UltraChart1.CompositeChart.ChartComponent.Series.FromKey("seriesA");ns.Data.DataSource = GetData();
If you need further assistance with this, please let me know and I will be glad to help.