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UltraChart - Multiple charts on the same page display incorrect images

Controls version: 14.1.20141.2150

We have a page that contains 6 UltraCharts.  They should generate and display 6 unique chart images.  Occasionally the generated html has the same image file shown for different charts.  Also, occasionally the chart image file that is generated is an incorrect duplicate of another chart's image.

Here is a screenshot of html that should have generated 6 unique images and displayed them individually, but did not:

Has anyone run into this?  I have seen it happen with Edge and Chrome browsers recently.  It does not happen very frequently, but enough that we have noticed it.



  • 22852
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    There was a similar issue reported in 2014 that we weren't able to reproduce internally at that time.  The solution for that customer was to set DeploymentScenario.ImageUrl to a unique value for each of the charts.

    Please test if setting the ImageUrl will address the issue for you as well.

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