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Solution on Customize Labels on Ultrachart

Thought this might be of help to those of you who are want to customize your Y-Axis labeling on your charts. (note: this solution is based off of the article knowledgebase regarding customize labeling that Infragistics has on their site--gotta give credit where credit is due--I just expanded and tailored it my needs) Just to illustrate:

Y-Axis DATA VALUES Label Before:

Y-Axis DATA VALUES Label After:

Now that takes up less space and is much more readable. Now--onto the code!

Public Class MyLabelRenderer

Implements IRenderLabel

Public Overloads Function ToString(ByVal context As Hashtable) _

As String Implements IRenderLabel.ToStringSelect Case CDbl(context("DATA_VALUE"))


Case Is < -999

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 4) & "K"

Case Is < -10000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 3) & "K"

Case Is < -100000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 2) & "K"

Case Is < -1000000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 1) & "K"

Case Is < 1000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE"))

Case Is < 10000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 1) & "K"

Case Is < 100000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 2) & "K"

Case Is < 1000000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 3) & "K"

Case Is < 10000000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 1) & "M"

Case Is < 100000000

Return CStr(context("DATA_VALUE")).Substring(0, 2) & "M"

End Select


End Function

End Class


Private Sub Customize_Labels_Using_the_IRenderLabel_Interface_Load( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.YourChartNameHere.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<MY_VALUE>"

Dim MyLabelHashTable As New Hashtable()MyLabelHashTable.Add("MY_VALUE", New MyLabelRenderer())

YourChartNameHere.LabelHash = MyLabelHashTable

End Sub

Now, I only chose to customize the Y axis because that usually contains the data values (which is what I'm interested in). You easily modify the code above to include changes in the X axis as well.

 Happy coding!