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WebDialogWindow and asp:UpdatePanel

I tried to use a WebDialogWindow inside a WARP and itdid not work.

Looking in this forum, I saw that the WebDialogWindow is not compatible with the WARP and Infragistics suggests using the AJAX UpdatePanel instead.

So, I swapped my WARP panel for an UpdatePanel and I get error messages on every element inside thh update panel, such as

C:\projects\PressProductionManager\SiteClient\Default.aspx(714): Build (web): Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'WebDialogWindow'.
C:\projects\PressProductionManager\SiteClient\Default.aspx(716): Build (web): Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'ContentPane'.
C:\projects\PressProductionManager\SiteClient\Default.aspx(717): Build (web): Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'Template'.
C:\projects\PressProductionManager\SiteClient\Default.aspx(718): Build (web): Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'table'.
C:\projects\PressProductionManager\SiteClient\Default.aspx(719): Build (web): Type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' does not have a public property named 'tbody'.


What am I missing?



  • 28464


    asp:UpdatePanel works a little bit differently from WARP - it requires ContentTemplate first, and the actual content can be embedded there. Example

    <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1">


               <ig:WebDialogWindow .... />



    Please, let me know if this helps.