I tried to use webdropdown cascade sample but I got "Async request failed" message on my chrome browser.
My intended implemtation case is like this:
an user clicks and select a cell value on the main webdatagrid.( i assumed it simply by using a textbox)
the click invoke a webdropdown's loaditems and then itemsrequest event.
on the server data will be queried and bound to the webdropdown again with the selected value.
==> but I get "Async request failed" message.
plz review my code and check what i'm missing. thank you.
<script> function SetDropDown() { var wcQuestion= $find("<%= wcQuestion.ClientID %>"); wcQuestion.loadItems(form1.TextBox1.value); } </script><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <div id="countContainer" class="controlPanel"> <div id="eventList" class="controlPanelEvent"> <br/> <br/> <ig:WebDropDown ID="wcQuestion" runat="server" Width="120px" Height="22px" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Verdana" BackColor="White" BorderColor="LightGray" BorderWidth="1px" TextField="QuestionName" ValueField="ID" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="false" EnableDropDownAsChild="false" EnableAnimations="false" OnItemsRequested="wcQuestion_ItemsRequested" > <Items> <ig:DropDownItem Key="ID" Selected="False" Text="DropDown Item" Value="" Visible="False"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="iFormObjectId" Selected="False" Text="DropDown Item" Value="" Visible="False"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="SCORE" Selected="False" Text="DropDown Item" Value="" Visible="False"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="nvcColor" Selected="False" Text="DropDown Item" Value="" Visible="False"> </ig:DropDownItem> <ig:DropDownItem Key="QuestionName" Selected="False" Text="배점항목명" Value="QuestionName"> </ig:DropDownItem> </Items> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="QuestionName" ValueField="ID"></DropDownItemBinding> </ig:WebDropDown> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="SetDropDown();" /> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </div> </div>==================================================================== protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { wcQuestion_DataBinding(); } } private void wcQuestion_DataBinding() { string strSql = ""; SqlConnection Con = null; DataSet dsQuestion = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter; try { strSql = strSql + "SELECT iQuestionId AS ID, iFormObjectId, fQuestionScore AS SCORE, nvcColor, QuestionName "; strSql = strSql + " FROM (SELECT fq.iQuestionId, fq.iFormObjectId, fq.iQuestionOrder, fq.fQuestionScore, q.nvcColor, q.nvcQuestionTypeName + '(' + Convert(varchar, fq.fQuestionScore) + ')' AS QuestionName "; strSql = strSql + " FROM tblFormQuestion fq, tblQuestionType q "; strSql = strSql + " WHERE fq.iFormId = 5"; strSql = strSql + " AND fq.iQuestionTypeId = q.iQuestionTypeId) AS A "; if (TextBox1.Text != "") strSql = strSql + "WHERE QuestionName like '" + TextBox1.Text + "%'"; strSql = strSql + "ORDER BY iQuestionOrder "; Con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CONNECTSTR"]); Con.Open(); dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSql, Con); dataAdapter.Fill(dsQuestion, "FORMQUESTION"); wcQuestion.DataSource = dsQuestion.Tables["FORMQUESTION"].DefaultView; wcQuestion.Items.Clear(); wcQuestion.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (Con != null && Con.State == ConnectionState.Open) Con.Close(); Con = null; } } protected void wcQuestion_ItemsRequested(object sender, DropDownItemsRequestedEventArgs e) { wcQuestion_DataBinding(); }