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how to do this in javascript !

hi ,

iam creating this behavior in server side  this.WebDataGrid1.InitializeRow += new InitializeRowEventHandler(WebDataGrid1_InitializeRow);

but when i put thw webdatagrid in updatepanel the initialize row event doesn't charge again after any postback so how can i do this in javascript ?

       protected void WebDataGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.Index == 0)
                e.Row.Items[1].Column.Hidden en = true;

                e.Row.Items[4].Column.CssClass = AppStylingManager.Settings.CssRegistry.Add("background-color : #9ecbd6", "tbody>tr>td.{0}", false);
                e.Row.Items[4].Column.Header.Tooltip = "  ouvrir la deuxieme list ";


  • 720
    Offline posted

    Hello Mark,

    I have prepared a sample for you, which you can find here.

    The following line wouldn’t work by partial postback.

    e.Row.Items[2].Column.CssClass = AppStylingManager.Settings.CssRegistry.Add("background-color : #9ecbd6", "tbody>tr>td.{0}", false);

    I suggest creating a new css class, as I’m doing in the sample and using a css selector of higher specificity in the form’s layout. Than assign the class name to the CssClass property as following:

    e.Row.Items[2].Column.CssClass = "customBg"; 

    Thank you for using our product, if you have any further questions please contact me!

    Best Regards,

    Martin Evtimov