I have a problem with Webmonthview.
My webform have several role witth different permission , like user and administrator.
Administrator can see all the activity(there's no problem) display in webmonthview, but user can only see his activity.
How can I control user 's permission?
Hello chen smile,
You can control which resources should be displayed. See this online document: https://ko.infragistics.com/help/aspnet/webschedule-set-visible-resources
There is also an online sample here: https://ko.infragistics.com/samples/aspnet/schedule/show-hide-visible-resources
You would have to prepare resources for each user and to remove all resources other than that of the current user in ResourcesFetched event handler if the current user is not an administrator.
Could you give this way a try?
I use the sample code in the url you provide, and it done!
method :
1. webscheduleinfo enableMultiResourceView ="true"
2. override OnInit() and new the event wsInfo_ResourcesFetched
3. write ResourcesFetched():
get all resource name from db
for all resource
if login user_name = resource name from db then pass else remove resource