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Refresh/Reload WebDataTree

Using IG 19.1  CLR4.5.

I have a WebDataGrid with a WebDataTree bound to a HierarchicalDataSource . I would like to have the WebDataTree refresh after a row has been inserted or deleted in the grid.

I've attempted to manually add or remove TreeNodes in the WebDataTree on the server side at the grid's SqlDataSource's  Inserted  Deleted events and attempted to clear and reset the tree's DataSource. I also tried manually adding or removing TreeNodes on the DataGrid's Client Side RowAdded And RowDeteled events. And attempted to perform  a __doPostBack("WebDataTree1") on the DataGrid's client events as well.

Nothing seems to work. I either get an error "Server does not respond" or nothing happens.

I've seen serval post on this subject but no real answers. Is there no way to refresh the WebDataTree without having to reload the entire page?

Thank you for any help you someone can provide.  This is a very time sensitive project, prompt responses are greatly appreciated. 

  • 10685
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    Thank you for posting in our community! 

    Based on the details shared, an in order not to make full page postback, I expect it should be possible to use an Update Panel to wrap the WDG and WDT components and manually __doPostBack on the WDG row interaction. Then on the server side bind the WDT again to the updated data source. You may have already seen this and yet a relatively similar case is discussed here. It includes a runnable code sample you may find of some use to you as well. 

    Please let me know how the above suggestions work for you and in case you need further assistance!