First, let me point out that the current stylesets your guys have generated are killer. But recent projects have gone along the lines of "we like that style, but can you make it green instead of blue?" I notice your own website uses a couple other styles not present in the most recent .wsl file, too (the orange one used on the Appstylist page has caught some clients' eyes).
I've got an SDK for NetAdvantage, and would be great if I had access to the original Fireworks/etc files used to generate the current stylesets, so that I can meet those kind of requests more easily. Especially now with the Akido stuff that everone wants added to legacy apps that already have stylesets applied. I created an Electric Red, for example, but would have been much more efficient and cohesive with the original graphics. You guys have that?
Thanks much,
Eric Strehl
So exactly which theme you want ? let me know and I'll get you. FYI: We are planning to put all of them online in the future in community site.