I just discovered that I can set permissions in my PDF-Export of my grid, simply by using
void UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1_BeginExport(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.DocumentExport.DocumentExportEventArgs e) { Report report = e.Report; IPdfPreferences pdfPreferences = report.Preferences.PDF; IEncryptor encryptor = pdfPreferences.Encryptor; encryptor.Password.User = "foo"; encryptor.Password.Owner = "bar"; encryptor.Permissions.Print = false; encryptor.Permissions.Add = false; encryptor.Permissions.Copy = false; encryptor.Permissions.Modify = false;
Unfortunatly all I get is
Encryption has been requested for the document being published but encryption is not supported in this release.
I don't know of any timeframe when we can implement this. If this is important functionality to you, I suggest that you submit a feature request using this link.
You need to use encryption to apply any of these permission-related settings.
hmm, I was kinda afraid something like this would be the case :( any chance this is going to be supported in some reasonable periode of time?
And how about those permission-settings - are they also subject of those encryption-related restrictions? Currently I'm mostly interested in limiting a PDF to being printed :)
This is a documented limitation of the Infragistics Documents engine. Refer to the following article from our online help documentation for NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Volume 2 for more detail as to what this affects:Encryption Support Is Not Present