Hi. I am trying to allow a user to enter a horizontal or vertical spacing when inserting an image - which looks to be a version issue. The version I am using is 6.3.20063.53. I see the version of the html editor to post in this forum allows for horizontal/vertical spacing. Is there a property I need to set or do I need to upgrade? It is also important that there is a browse button available to locate an image on the client hard drive (as it is in 6.3 but I don't see it here). Thanks.
Thank you for your response. However, the control to reply to a message on this forum has Vertical and Horizontal spacing for inserting an image. Is that the current version that I am seeing? It looks completely different than v 6.3 (not as nice, but has the spacing feature).
There is no "spacing" or similar property while inserting or editing image. Dialog includes height, width, align, border, alt, src and proportional size. If there were any new options in insert-image dialog, then that is not customizable and the only choice would be to upgrade.