I have a problem with the web day view.
For some reason I cant get control of the layer/area which contains
time slots. Look at the screenshot to see what I mean.
As you can see, layer goes over scroll in rigth side of page.
It should keep position in its own table cell. There is also some code
at the end of the post, if it helps you to understand.
Sincererly, Tommi
<td class="tdRightColumn">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePanelTaskManagerViews" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"><ContentTemplate>
<igsch:WebDayView ID="webDayView" runat="server" TimeDisplayFormat="Time24Hour" AppointmentTooltipFormatString="<START_DATE_TIME>-<END_DATE_TIME> <SUBJECT>" AppointmentFormatString="<START_DATE_TIME>-<END_DATE_TIME> <SUBJECT> <a href='Information.aspx?ApptPatientId=<LOCATION>' style='visibility:<DESCRIPTION>;'><img src='App_Themes/DMS/Images/TaskManagerCoachJobs.gif' border='0' title='' style='visibility:<DESCRIPTION>;'></a>" TimeSlotInterval="FifteenMinutes" WebScheduleInfoID="WebScheduleInfo1" Width="760px" Height="500px"></igsch:WebDayView>
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>