I am trying to replicate the behavior used in the sample for the splitter, "Nested Panes & More". I want to use the same behavior and so I copied the ig_splitter.css to my project and referenced each specific css class as below.
My question is, how does the collpased button get displayed. It is not referenced in the class igspl_CollapseSplitBarButton, so I added the collapse left image there, but how do I get it to display the right expand image after its collapsed? How does the sample do this? Is there some magic behind the scenes using the FeatureBrowser style? I am using 2008 volume 3.
CssClass="igspl_VSplitBar" HoverCssClass="igspl_VSplitBarHover"
ShadowCssClass="igspl_VSplitBarShadow" ShadowLimitCssClass="igspl_VSplitBarShadowLimit"
PressedCssClass="igspl_VSplitBarPressed" CollapseButtonCssClass="igspl_CollapseSplitBarButton"
Hi Tom,
If application does not set custom images for "buttons", then those images assumed to be at [appstyling directory]/ig_res/Default/images. "Default" can be other AppStyle. Names of default images are also predefined like igspl_ExpandRightHover.gif (similar to which are used in your codes).
So, to customize images you have 2 options.
1. Do not modify any Url property of control, and replace default images by yours at your AppStyling/images location (use exactly same names).
2. Create your images with any names, copy them anywhere to project and use those images to set XxxUrl properties.
As a follow up, you can add this node to the <SplitterBar> node:
<CollapsePreviousPaneButton CollapseImageHoverUrl="../images/ig/igspl_CollapseLeftHover.gif"
ExpandImageUrl="../images/ig/igspl_ExpandRight.gif" ExpandImageHoverUrl="../images/ig/igspl_ExpandRightHover.gif"></CollapsePreviousPaneButton>
The paths are specific to my environment.
But I'm still curious how the sample works? Is there some magic built in there somewhere? It would be nice if the samples were easier to use. I've just been guessing how to make it look like the sample without using styling, the help provides very little on this subject.