Is there a way that I can colour the bar in an ultrawebchart depending on the value?
I need: 80+ = Green, <80 = Red.
You would control the colors that a chart uses through the ColorModel. There is a section called ColorModel in the above link for my blog post . It is when you want it to change the default that you would use the ChartDrawItem event I described above. For your scenario, you would just have it set to use Green then Blue through ColorModel, if you had two columns. Then you would just customize the first column if its in the red using ChartDrawItem.
Thanks, that worked great.
Is there a way I can format the last bar Blue? I always show the average on the last bar.
I can identifiy the bar becuase the data is called "Overall" or the fact that it's the last bar.
Take a look at the "Changing the Color of an Item Based on a Condition (2D only)" section of my blog post: