I was wondering if there was a way in which you can stop the editor from automatically updating the underlying HTML?
I basically want it to leave the underlying code alone and do not wish it to change it in anyway from what the user inputs. At the moment it is changing tags into capitals and adding closing tags, which is not what I want it to do.
Many Thanks
Hi Tony - Thanks for the quick reply.
The problem that I have is that I am filling the editor with html from a database and as soon as the code hits the htmleditor, it adds the additional unwanted tags. Therefore the user has no idea that the tags have been added and will submit these back to the databse without knowing. In an ideal world I would like it to display the code as is from the database and also send the code as is from the editor back to the database.
I think that it will be easier if I just use a plain webtextbox as this will guarantee that the data will remain the same. It's a shame though as the Web Editor would have been a nice addition to my project.
The WebHTML Editor uses the Browser to format the underlying HTML, but that has some unfortunate side effects as you noted. If you want to preserve the users's input exactly, I would recommend using one of the cient-side events of the WebHTMLEditor to save a copy of the text to a hidden input field - which you can then access again on the server.
Hope this helps,