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Chart not showing all the points

I am using Infragistics Chart control in my Web Application. I have a scenario wherein I have to show multiple line graphs in a single chart and also another chart which contains an AreaGraph. I am adding points into multiple series and add all the series to my chart. After I do the DataBind I see the chart containing all the lines or areas but it shows the data for series which has minimum number of points. Following code, in which I am trying to draw an AreaChart should make the problem clearer. I have put the necessary comments to understand the code better.

private void DrawStackedAreaChart(){               //Feed is my business object. And I get multiple feeds from DB.IList<Feed> feeds = ASAMUIService.GetAllFeedNames();NumericSeries series = null; //For each feed I create a series. Obviously. each series represents an Area in the graphforeach (Feed feed in feeds){series = CreateStackedSeries(feed);if (series == null){continue;}NumericSeries stackedSeries = series;allTicketMessagesChart.DataBind();allTicketMessagesChart.Series.Add(stackedSeries);}allTicketMessagesChart.TitleTop.Text = string.Format("Ticket messages evolution for {0} ({1} - {2})", drpFeedNames.SelectedItem.Text,DateRangeChooserCtrl1.FromDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), DateRangeChooserCtrl1.ToDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));ticketMessagesChart.DataBind();allTicketMessagesChart.DataBind();allTicketMessagesChart.ImagePipePageName =allTicketMessagesChart.ResolveClientUrl(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CommonConstants.CHART_IMAGEPIPE_URL]);allTicketMessagesChart.Visible = true;} private NumericSeries CreateStackedSeries(Feed feed){IList<TicketMessage> messages =ASAMUIService.GetTicketMessagesByFeed(DateRangeChooserCtrl1.FromDate, DateRangeChooserCtrl1.ToDate, feed.FeedID);NumericSeries series = new NumericSeries();if (messages == null){return null;}foreach (TicketMessage message in messages){series.Points.Add(new NumericDataPoint(message.MessageCount, message.ProductionDate.ToString("dd-MMM HH:mm"), false));}series.Label = feed.FeedName;return series;



Now,  for eg. Feed "X" has 5 data points, Feed "Y' has 4 and Feed "Z" has only 2. So when the chart is displayed, it shows only 2 datapoints with area for all the series. Additionally, I am using "NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0" with .NET framework 2.0.


  • 28496
    Offline posted

     The chart does not currently support series with an uneven number of points to be displayed on the same axis.  You can request this feature here:

    for the time being, your options are either:

    1: add "empty" points to the series with fewer than the required number of points

    2: use a composite chart and overlay multiple ChartAreas on top of each other.