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Stored Procedures

I find it ironic that all of your samples use dynamic SQL or TABLE attached data.

In the real world no DBA will allow direct access to sensitive data like orders and customers. The typical approach will be to build and use stored procedures that can be granted to groups or individual users to control the data access.

Nowhere do I find any samples of using stored procedures to return a subset of data from a data table, edit the data and return it via stored procedures. We will not recommend this product unless I can build a prototype with this architecture. I've done it in the past with your competitor's do I do it with this one?

  • 3147

    Hi Dave,

    Our samples use inline SQL because we try to keep them as simple as possible, we do not recommend that approach for real world applications. The purpose is to demonstrate how to configure our data grid, stored procedures and n-tier architectures are beyond the scope of the samples.

    Anyway there shouldn't be any issues in using stored procedures for your CRUD operations. You just execute stored procedures instead of embedded SQL, and most probably you do that in the backend of your application instead of the code-behind. If you are experiencing any particular issues with such approach we'll be glad to help you. Any feedback is highly appreciated!

    Thank you for evaluating our products!

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