Can you provide an example to create WebDataTree in JS. The regular function like
igtree_getTreeById() and root.addChild() etc that are present in Ultrwebtree are not available here. Also can we add checkbox in WedataTree like in the case of UltraWebTree
Hi Taz,
Thanks a lot for replying and answering my query. We cannot do on demand load as this particular screen requires all the data to be shown in one go and yes we are getting all the data to the client and then create the tree sctructure in Javascript. I think the only way to speed up things if IG code for tree generation is changed. Can you give us a timeframe in which the add functionality using javascript can be done in WebDataTree.
First of all, we apologize for the inconvenience you went through for finding help with the controls that you are looking for. I have also been in touch with the support team that you are discussing the same issue with and have looked at the sample you created using the WebTree.
First of all, the WebDataTree is not yet equiped with the capability of adding nodes on the client side using CSOM. You are right that the architecture is different, but it is much lighter and faster than the WebTree. We will be implementing this functionality in future release of the product.
However, to assist with your performance issue that you are having when adding modes on the client using WebTree, I would like to get more information from you as to what are you actually trying to accomplish. Are you getting data on the client and want to create the structure purely on the client using javascript, is there a way you can implement something ilke where you only load the first set of node and as the user expands a node, that is when you populate its children instead of loading all the nodes during initial load?
I have checked the CSOM and that is also not helping. The whole architecture seems to have changed. Help required