can anyone tell me how to display the Percent of Complete over every task bar of a UltraChart of type GanttChart?
Pietro Degani
If you are using a datatable as your datasource, you can set the column that will contain your percent complete with the following:
UltraChartSchedule.GanttChart.Columns.PercentCompleteColumnIndex = 4; // where '4' indicates the column index with the % value
In the page code, don't forget to set the following property:
Unfortunately, no. The height of each bar depends on how many tasks you have in your datasource. Enabling the scrollbar will give you a larger range, but it's not the same as setting bar height. If you would like to see this imeplemented in the future versions, please submit a feature request here:http://ko.infragistics.com/gethelp
Thank you very much for the answer.
I have another question. The Gantt chart i have seems to vary the height of every task bar depending on the number of tasks. How can i set the height of every task bar regardless of the number of tasks i have in my Gantt chart?
Thank you
There is a property that shows how much of the task has been completed. chart.GanttChart.ShowCompletePercentages = true
This will create a filled rectangle for each item based on the completeness.