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Late Databinding

Hello guys,

I'm trying to find a solution for the following problem:

I've a MVC ViewPage with a ASP.NET Combobox placed on it. The Combobox has an SelectedIndexChanged-Handler (jQuery) which checks if the user selects a specified index and then opens a WebDialogWindow. I placed a WebDataGrid in the WDW-Templatearea and binded it to a DataSource. This DataSource has a ControlParameter, which sets a variable in my SQL-Query to the selected value from the Combobox.

Now, the problem is, that the WDG binds the data before the user can make a selection. Is there any way to re-DataBind or update the WDG via Javascript?

I also thought of calling the DataBind() Method by using getJSON, PageMethods or PostBack, but as i mentioned, i'm using the MVC-Framework.

Hopefully someone can help.

Kind Regards from Germany
