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How to remove the outline of the series icons?
I tried to remove the outline from the icons in a data series of a composite chart. Am I doing something wrong here or where is my failure? I would have expected the outline to disappear when I’m doing something like this:
TheNumericTimeSeries.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(theObject.SeriesColor));
LineAppearance TheLine = new LineAppearance();
TheLine.IconAppearance.Icon = SymbolIcon.Circle;
TheLine.IconAppearance.IconSize = SymbolIconSize.Large;
TheLine.IconAppearance.PE.Fill = theObject.SeriesColor;
TheLine.IconAppearance.PE.Stroke = theObject.SeriesColor;
TheLine.IconAppearance.PE.StrokeWidth = 0;
TheLine.IconAppearance.PE.StrokeOpacity = 0;
 TheLine.LineStyle.MidPointAnchors = true;
LineChartAppearance App = new LineChartAppearance();
ChartLayerAppearance chartLayer = new ChartLayerAppearance {ChartTypeAppearance = App};





Any ideas how to get rid of the black outline?

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