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server error when accessing static files in ig_common


I have just upgraded my development machine (Vista sp1, VS2008) to 9.1 and I am having the following error with static files. Any dynamic files are returned OK, but any static files, htm, images etc give the error. Anyone have an idea as to why?

A request for http://localhost/ig_common/20091CLR35/Forms/WebSchedule/AppointmentAdd.aspx works OK (well apart from all the missing images) but a request for http://localhost/ig_common/20091CLR35/Forms/WebSchedule/print.htm gives the following error:

Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE/IG_COMMON"

Internet Information Services 7.0
Error Summary
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Detailed Error Information
Module    CustomErrorModule
Notification    SendResponse
Handler    StaticFile
Error Code    0x80070021
Config Error    Lock violation
Config File    \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\Infragistics\web.config
Requested URL    http://localhost:80/ig_common/images/BlueExplorer.gif
Physical Path    C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\Infragistics\Images\BlueExplorer.gif
Logon Method    Anonymous
Logon User    Anonymous
Config Source

   12: <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script"/>
   13: <staticContent enableDocFooter="false" isDocFooterFileName="true" defaultDocFooter="">
   14: <clientCache cacheControlMode="NoControl"/></staticContent>

Links and More Information This error occurs when there is a problem reading the configuration file for the Web server or Web application. In some cases, the event logs may contain more information about what caused this error.

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  • 5

    I had this same problem! Hope Infragistics could provide some official solution. Thanks!

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