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get width and get height

I just want to know how to capture the width and the heigth of a webDialogWindow in a function javascript AND how to get the initial location (x, y) of the webDialogWindow. I try this:


function locateWebDialog(webPoubelle, evtArgs)


     var dialogWidth = evtArgs.get_width();

     var dialogHeight = evtArgs.get_heigth();

     var poubelleY = evtArgs.get_y();
     var poubelleX = evtArgs.get_x();



<ClientEvents Initialize="locateWebDialog" />


But it doesn't work, why


thanks you for the future help

Gabriel Deschênes

  • 995
    Suggested Answer


    You can use following JavaScript function to get position and size of the WebDialogWindow:







    script type =





    locateWebdialog() {



    var window = $find('<%= WebDialogWindow1.ClientID %>'




    "The height is: " + window.get_height() + " The width is: " + window.get_width() + " The top is: " + window.get_top() + " The left is " + window.get_left());


