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Customize Edit Image Dialogue?

Is there any way to change the edit image dialogue?  I have a separate section for uploading images, they go into the database and then the proper link gets added into the WebHTMLEditor.  The problem is that to allow them to edit the size, I need to have some custom options in the edit dialogue. there a way to control what comes up in the right click menu on the image so I can make my own dialogue?

Thanks in advance

 - Sarah

  • 24497

    Hi Sarah,

    There is no option to customize built-in dialogs of WebHtmlEditor. You may add another item to right-mouse pop-up menu. You may make its type of CustomMenuButton and process its client events.

    Example to insert custom menu into RightClickMenu within asxp:

    <ighedit:HtmlBoxMenuItem runat="server" ImageName="MyMenu.gif" Key="MyOptionKey" Text="MyOption" Act="CustomMenuButton" >

    Example to process its ClientSideEvent:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function WebHtmlEditor1_BeforeAction(oEditor, actID, oEvent, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, act)
     if(actID == 'MyOptionKey')
      alert('My custom menu click');