OK, I've read all the posts and proposed solutions without finding a working answer, and many of the examples are from v8.3.
Is there a solid workaround/fix to the issue where setting the ContentURL of a WDW in javascript does not show the contenturl page contents?
ig:WebDialogWindow ID="editsettingswindow" runat="server"InitialLocation="Centered" Width="480px" Modal="True" WindowState="Hidden" ></ig:WebDialogWindow>
var recordid = 1;var dlg = $find('<%=editsettingswindow.ClientID%>');var contentPane = dlg.get_contentPane();contentPane.set_contentUrl("~\\ServiceFinder\\LocationPartSettingEdit.aspx?partid=" + recordId);dlg.show();
This shows the dialog but it is blank. The below suggested solution results in an undefined or null error (as other posters have reported as well).
iframe = contentPane.get_element().getElementsByTagName("IFRAME")[0]iframe.contentWindow.location.href = "~\\ServiceFinder\\LocationPartSettingEdit.aspx?partid=" + recordId
After poking around the Samples some more I found an example that sets the ContentURL in design mode and then re-sets it in runtime from javascript which does seem to make it refresh (infraShop). The only problem is you first see the initial contentUrl then it flashes to the new contentUrl. Is there any way to fix that??