I have the requirement to use the slider to input data items like in a Query by example. Two of my requirements are: "Greater Than" and "Outside of"
All of the other cases are: less than, equal to, between... Those have a "track" visualization that makes sense, but there doesn't seem to be a way to "highlight" the track for my 2 requirements.
I know you can set the Track to FillValueMode of None|MainValue|Range is there a way to do an opposite of MainValue or Range? in css or in an override? or do I need to submit this as a change to teh control?
You may have separate styles for any portion of track bar (left, middle, right areas). You also may implement out-of-range behavior on client. For styling you may look at various styles provided by installation, though, Default also can be used. I wrote an example which has red, orange, yellow zones, and do not allow left thumb (red background) go above 40, and right thumb (yellow background) go below 60.
<style type="text/css"> .fillCss { background:red; } .mainCss { background:yellow; } .secondCss { background:orange; } .edgeCss { background:none; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript">function valueChanging(slider, eventArgs){ var val = eventArgs.get_newValue(); var max = eventArgs.get_isSecondary(); if(max && val < 60) eventArgs.set_cancel(true); if(!max && val > 40) eventArgs.set_cancel(true);}</script> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <ig:WebSlider ID="WebSlider1" runat="server" EnableSecondaryValue="True" ThumbsInteractionMode="Lock"> <Track> <CssClasses SecondaryValueFillCssClass="secondCss" ValueFillCssClass="fillCss" CssClass="mainCss" LeftOrTopEdgeCssClass="edgeCss" RightOrBottomEdgeCssClass="edgeCss" /> </Track> <ClientEvents ValueChanging="valueChanging" /> </ig:WebSlider>