Sometimes when I load a large grid, the rest of the page loads and it takes a bit for the grid to finish and appear. Is there a way to have a "working" or "busy" animated graphic going on while it initalizes? Kinda like how SQL Server Reporting Services has the spinning wheel as the report loads.
I tried using the SSRS spinning wheel graphic as the background image of the div that surrounds the grid, but the browser must be so busy that it refuses to start animating it until the table is already loaded.
This is all in IE 8 ... in Firefox it behaves very differently during load, there is no pause.
PS - my mention of a difference between how IE 8 and FF 2 render the table appear to be related more to how I did it then any real problem in the grid. I think it's actually because FF 2 is faster that I noticed anything. But I tweaked some of my code (that resized the div that frames the grid) and now IE 8 and FF 2 look identical. But thanks!
Thanks for the link -- that was useful to address something else I wanted to do! But it doesn't appear to help me with my first problem.
It's not actually during an AJAX call that I want the busy indicator to appear... I think it's while the table is "initializing" itself AFTER the ajax call. Like right after I load a page with a big table (or perform a sort that runs via ajax) some javascript appears to be run that rebuilds the table. This javascript is very processor intensive for large tables and it prevents animated gifs from running.
I'm not sure what you could do to fix it... other than make the initialization functions faster.
Hi Ron,
This sounds like an issue that we need to further look into as to what is going on, since you mention that in FireFox it behaves differently than in IE 8.
However, you can display wait indicators during an AJAX call.
Please contact our support so that they can investigate what is going on in IE 8 during initial loading.