i'd like to ask about the recurrence saved data at DB .... in my table i've saved the recurrence in Varbinary datatype i need to ask how could i work on that data to check out that current date is match or not the recurrence saved data whatever it's description is. is that possible and is there's another more simple way to save recurrence that is more readable and easy to use than that format to simple the compmaring funcations that i need to use. ?
thanks alot
Did you perhaps mean to ask this in the WinSchedule forum? I ask just because the WinSchedule uses .NET binary formatter serialization of its data structures to produce binary objects like you're describing.
I can't think of a way to easily access the "recurrence date" when stored as an opaque blob like this, no.
The WebSchedule data model for recurrences is described here,http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2009.1/CLR3.5/html/WebSchedule_Data_Model_for_the_Recurrence_Table.html
WebSchedule doesn't care how you actually persist recurrences as long as you satisfy the contract,http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2009.1/CLR3.5/html/WebSchedule_Overview_of_the_Stored_Procedures_Used_by_the_WebSchedule_Data_Providers.html
Even so, the information contained in a recurrence record describes the pattern of recurring activities. Individual occurrences of the recurring activity are then generated at run-time when they are needed for the dates that the user is looking at.
So a recurrence will have an End Date, that is a column in the Recurrence table. It will also have a Start Date, for that you have to look-up the root row in the Activity table tied to that Recurrence ID. It may also have a smattering of Variances in the Activity table, that is the only time WebSchedule creates a record that has the OriginalStartDateTimeUtc on it for when that occurrence of the recurring activity would have happened, had it not "varied".