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All Controls under the ASP.Net Ajax CLR3x toobox tab not working !?

I have two tabs in the toolbox for Infragistics ASP.Net Controls :

1- NetAdvantrage 9.1 ASP.NET AJAX CLR3x

2- NetAdvantrage 9.1 ASP.NET  CLR3x


whenever I use a control from the first tab I got a compilation error due to missing a reference:

Error    1    The type or namespace name 'Web' does not exist in the namespace 'Infragistics' (are you missing an assembly reference?)  


line of code:

  protected global::Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.WebDropDown WebDropDown1;


all controls under the second toolbox tab works fine, and the namespace reference is differnet.

usually it is :

but when I use controls from the first toolbox tab, the designer and the autogenerated code

has something like this: Infragistics.Web.UI.xx

difference: WebUI vs Web.UI !!


can you please explain to me this and help me to use the webdropdown ?


