Based on certain events, I re load my pie-chart with completely different set of data. Everything works fine with the reload except the Tooltip stays from before the re load. Is there a way to clear the tooltip when the chart is reloaded with new data? I looking for something like chart.ToolTips.Clear() . I tried chart.ResetToolTips() but this only resets the properties on the ToolTips to the default value but does not clear the tooltip.
I'm trying reproducing this issue with using pie chart with enabled tooltips and on ChartDataClicked event I'm changing the pie chart. It seems ok.
Can you provide a little more info, so we can investigate this asap? Which version of the WebChart are you using? Which browser? Also can you send us your code?
I have set the Display property on the ToolTips to MouseClick. The format string on the ToolTips is '<ITEM_LABEL> <BR> <DATA_VALUE> <BR> <B> <PERCENT_VALUE:00.##>%'. Code to set the datasource for the chart looks like the following
ldActChart.DataSource = ds;ldActChart.DataBind();ldActChart.Legend.DataAssociation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartTypeData.ColumnData;
ds is the dataset. The ToolTip just stays even after I loaded the chart with new data. Please let me know if there is any way to solve this problem. I am using webchart v8.3 for .Net 2.0 and VS2005. Your help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
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In the ChartDataClickedEvent you can get the value, and labels from the second parameter.
Currently my tooltip displays "<ITEM_LABEL> <BR> <DATA_VALUE> <BR> <B> <PERCENT_VALUE:00.##>%". How do I capture this in ChartDataClickedEvent?
Also, when would I be able to download the hot fix that you added for this issue. Also is there a link explaining how to download the hotfix?
The Tooltips don’t work like this. I think you can try using ChartDataClicked event and displaying the last clicked part in some place in the page, if this is that you want to achieve.
Thanks for taking care of this with the hot fix. Actually as per our requirement,the tooltip is not supposed to be changed on the move mouse, but only when the new chart is loaded. Is there a way to programatically clear the tooltip or if not is there a way to add selections from the new chart to the tooltip?
Thanks, I was able to reproduce it.
It your case there is a bug with the clearing of the tooltip. I fixed it and this fix should be available in next hotfix. In meantime, you can change the tooltip displaying to be on mouse move.