I finally got my WebDropDown working perfectly on my local computer, but when I put it on the server the textbox was only 2/3 of the size it was supposed to be, and the dropdown was showing up as a bulleted list.
I have .NET 2.0 on my local computer and 3.5 on the server. Could that be causing the problem?
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDownAmount" runat="server" Width="255px" DropDownAnimationType="Bounce" EnableMultipleSelection="False" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="0px"DropDownContainerWidth="0px" ClientEvents-ValueChanged="CheckChars" EnableDropDownAsChild="True"MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" PageSize="0" Button-ImageUrl="~/Images/down4.png"></ig:WebDropDown>
Fixed it. I hadn't copied over the ig_res folder.