I am really new to infragistics Gantt ChartI have a problem. I was making a Gantt Chart. I made a GanttSeries and in that GanttSeries I made different GanttItem and in each GanttItem I added different GanttTimeEntry which made my Gantt Chart ready. Now my problemWhen I click on a specific GanttTimeEntry I need to retrieve the Start Time and End Time.I know you can track the click event on OnChartDataClicked but the Primitive's will be blank or null. So I cannot get the data's of that specific GanttTimeEntry. Is there any other way to get this. Hope you understood my problem and will come with a helping hand.
Thanks in Advance
the client-side event arguments are documented here: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.3/CLR4.0/?page=WebChart_Client_Side_Events_CSOM.html
By the way, to add the event, I did the following
In the load event for the page I added
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
"function OnChartMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id){alert(column);}")
Dim cstype As Type = Me.[GetType]()
, sb.ToString)
First I put this in a IF NOTPOSTBACK block but found it would work unless on ever postback so I the script outside the if block
Also added this to the load event for the chart - added lines for chart colors since this took forever to find too.
Import system.drawing
import system.text
'change the chart colors
UltraChart1.ColorModel.CustomPalette = colors
UltraChart1.ClientSideEvents.ClientOnMouseClick =
Thanks for this example, I needed to open a window based on a chart click and needed the column number . Most of the stuff I do can be done server side so I am not a big client guy. When I checked the documentation adding events to the chart, I didn't see anything that would indicate the arguments :
function UltraChart1_ClientOnMouseClick(this_ref, row, column, value, row_label, column_label, evt_type, layer_id)
The documentation at http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2009.1/CLR3.5/html/Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebChart.v9.1~Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebChart.UltraChart~ClientSideEvents.html
Doesn't show anything about the arguments. Strictly speaking it's slightly different than adding the events but these little tid-bits sprinkled into the documentation or a note saying : SEE ALSO - ... would also help.
Thanks a lot David.
well done!