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WebCalendar WebMonth sync appearance

Hi All.

I have a WebCalendarView and WebMonthView on the same page, both using the same WebScheduleInfo component.

I know that the WebMonthView and WebCalendarView act differently by design when you single click the active day in either of them, but this is still causing my project manager and users grief.

When you click on the WebMonthView, on a day containing the small part of the previous month, the WebCalendarView changes to that month, but the WebMonthView stays the same. My project manager and users don't like this, as it appears they are "out of sync". I've explained that this is by Infragistics design, but it's still a problem.

It gets worse when you hit the Prev / Next arrows on the WebMonthView. Due to the way The WebScheduler calculates what the ActiveDay will be in the "new" month (by using the same Row/Column between "old" and "new"  month - whoever came up with that?), the ActiveDay could end up in the "new" month, or in the "old" month. This gives the appearance that the WebCalendarView is In Sync sometimes, and Out Of Sync other times. They *really* don't like this.

My idea is this, how can I alter the behavior of the Prev / Next arrows in the WebMonthView so that if I hit Next or Previous, the ActiveDay will be set to the FIRST day of the month (NOT the first visible day)? This will at least always keep the WebCalendarView having the same month header as the WebMonthView, and will appear as though they're always "in sync".


Thanks in advance!
