In a Web page, I have used WebDialogWindow and the UltraWebListbar at the same time.
Think that I am put into use as follows:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">WebDialogWindow is demonstrated incompletely, and scrollBar appears on Web page.The UltraWebListbar height attribute is 100%.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">WebDialogWindow do not have a problem.But the UltraWebListbar height attribute is not 100%.
How do resolve all above problem?
Expect to reply to , Thank you very much.
If that is a problem with height of children elements under XHTML, then you may fix that by stretching <body> and other containers. For example, modify <body> by something like<body style="height:100%">
If that will not work or it will have other side effects, then you may debug by temporary adding border or background:<body style="height:100%; border:1px solid red;">If red border is not stretched to size of window, then you should also add height to <html>:<html ... style="height:100%">If red border is stretched, but a child (listbar) is not, then you should also add height to <form> (any all other possible containers of listbar).<form ... style="height:100%">
It is possible that height:100% will make some objects larger than height of window, so, you should use slightly smaller values (90..98%). While debugging, I recommend to use temporary background/border for all parents of listbar in order to see their actual sizes.
HI, Viktor,
Problem still does not solve.Set up fixed altitude of weblistbar maybe being able to solve a problem.
How set up the weblistbar altitude by javascript?
Hi Victor
Many thanks for you reply. I am very new in windows dialog, so I did not know the conflict with the WARP control.
In regarding the list bar, yes it is true I have not wraped it with the form. I was thinking to use this control as a link menu only.
thanks again. I am going to make the changes now and see how it behaves :) .
I forgot to give you "move codes". Here dialog is moved out from undesired container and displayed on start:<script type="text/javascript">function initDialog(dialog, evtArgs){ var elem = dialog.get_element(); elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); document.body.appendChild(elem);;}</script><div style="position:absolute;left:200px;top:200px;width:300px;height:300px;overflow:auto;background:cyan;"> <ig:WebDialogWindow ID="WebDialogWindow1" runat="server" Width="300px" Height="300px" Modal="true" WindowState="Hidden"> <ClientEvents Initialize="initDialog"></ClientEvents> </ig:WebDialogWindow></div>
Yes, I noticed those codes and therefore mentioned that in my previous reply. It seems to me that GroupBox and ListBar still outside of form.Now I noticed another thing: WebDialodWindow is located in WARP. That is not supported and will fail after async postback. Though before posback it should not have effect. Please, see known issues at
If form is located in multiple containers (in this case td of table), then location of dialog on client can be shifted or fail. Similar should be tested for every specific case and compare with default location of dialog in body/form. If location of dialog is wrong, then it is possible to fix it by following:1. process ClientEvent.Initialize of dialog2. remove its html element which is firstParamInHandler.get_element() from its current container3. move (append) that html element to the <body>
Thanks so much for replying me :) .
Your answer is valid, but not for my pages. The form exist in the master page hence the childrem pages get the master form as their own form.
if you have a look of the master page you would see something like that:
<!--Start of content--> <form id="masterForm" runat="server"> <asp:scriptmanager ID="Scriptmanager1" runat="server"></asp:scriptmanager> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cphGeneral" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </form> <!--End of content-->
When the page is displayed in the browser, then a form is generated with the ID aspnetForm as follow:
<form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="frmDetailsMaintenance.aspx" id="aspnetForm">
So, I do not think that the form is the problem as this is alreading wrapping all the infragistic controls in the child pages.
Do you have another suggestion? My users really like the idea of having floating windows with the content inside and I would be really embarresed if I tell them that is not posible now :( .
Do you think is a bug of infragistic?
I would reaaly appreciate any help... Thanks Victor
I looked at attached codes and found unusual logic. I am in doubt that dot-net supports (or recommends to use) server controls located outside of form object. If it does, then Infragistics controls are not.
I suggest you to use form as a wrapper for all content, but not as a child located deep inside.