If I type in word like THANKZ it does not suggest the correct word. If I type in thankz it suggests thanks as the correct word. Why is it ignoring upper case words. How do I fix it so that it includes upper case words also. Thanks.
I got the same problem. Did you find a solution for that?
Yes. There is a property that you have to set. Mine looks like this. Please note False means ignore uppercase. I made the mistake of setting it to True the first time. Hope this helps.
ig_spell:WebSpellChecker ID="WebSpellChecker1" runat="server" ButtonId="button1" StyleSetName="" StyleSetPath="" StyleSheetDirectory="" TextComponentId="WebTextEdit1" UserDictionaryFile=" "><SpellOptions IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions="True" PerformanceOptions-AllowCapitalizedWords="False" >