Please let me know is there any afterClose event on the server side as we do have on the client side??? is server side event fired on webdropdown close. I have tried selectionChanged and Valuechanged event but I am using Multi Select Option and want to fire event only when all the itmes are selected and user close the drop down. Please let me know...... I have seen the client side event..
This does not close the dropdown after postback. The dropdown is shown as opened.
I have both - client event SelectionChanged and server event OnSelectionChanged with multiple select checkbox functionality. I want the server-side event to execute only after the selections are done. Any help is appreciated!
Thank you for your help Angel.
There is no server side event for closing of the dropdown. There is a solution, though, you can use the client-side event DropDownClosed, and trigger an async postback manually.
<script type="text/javascript">
function dropDownClosed(sender , args)
var cbo = sender._callbackManager.createCallbackObject();
sender._callbackManager.execute(cbo, true);
And here is the markup :
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" Width="200px"
<ClientEvents DropDownClosed="dropDownClosed" />
Also make sure you have EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect=false, so that dropdown is not automatically closed as soon as you select something (otherwise with the above code you will get postbacks for every checkbox click / selection).