does anybody know how to implement a tooltip for a mouseover?
In one of our columns the text is to long to show, so we show only the first letters. The user should see the whole text when hovering over the cell or row...
Thanks for every idea!
Hi Assyst,
When you autogenerate columns, you can not access them on the server, so it is not possible to hide them there. You can however hide them on the client. You could do that on the init event for the grid.
var grid = $find("WebDataGrid1");
Try that and let us know.
Hi Dave,
Now i got stuck up with another issue. I need to hide the selected columns in the grid. I had done it when AutogenerateColumns property is false. But i need to do it when Autogeneratecolumns property is true. I know its not easy to access and modify the autogenerated ones, but the requirement is like that. Can you help me in this issue?
Thanks in advance,
Sorry for replying in late. And thanks for the help. I think now it will work as per the needs. If requires any further clarification will definitely write to you.
Thanks again,
Best Regards,
Virtual scrolling is not controlled by a set number of rows. It uses a concept of a viewport that slides up and down. The properties that control how many and when rows are loaded are AverageRowHeight, RowCacheFactor, and Threshold factor. The AverageRowHeight is calculated on the client by dividing visible area by visible number of rows. The RowCacheFactor determines how many rows to load (its default is 3). So for the default, you'll see the visible rows and then also an equal number above and below this. The threshold factor determines how close to get to the edge of the visible rows before loading the next batch. If you want more rows loaded, try increasing RowCacheFactor and see if you get what you want.
Actually my question is that how we can fetch more data in one scroll itself?