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Set the background color of appointment added in code

I am having a problem setting the background color of an appointment when adding it on the server.  I found a couple of entries in the forum about changing background color but it is not working for me.  I am adding some appointments server side and based on a flag in the class I am pulling data from, I wanted to effectively color code the appointment.  Here is my code (item is a custom class containing the data to be used to populate the appointment):

    Appointment appt = new Appointment(ucScheduleInfo);
    appt.StartDateTime = new SmartDate(item.Detail.StartDate);
    appt.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, item.Detail.Duration);
    appt.Subject = "Leave Type" + item.Detail.LeaveID.ToString();
    appt.EnableReminder = false;
    appt.Key = String.Format("0,{0}", item.Detail.LeaveID);
         appt.Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

The appointment still renders as the default white.  What am I missing?  Thanks in advance for the help!
