On click of next month button and previous month button,I will be customizing the calendar.
Can you give me sample code for next/previos month button click event?
You may process ClientEvents.VisibleMonthChanged or VisibleMonthChanging.
To check if source of event next/prev month "button", you may check if target of event is IMG. Below is example.
<script type="text/javascript">function monthChanged(calendar, args){ var evt = args.get_browserEvent(); var target = null; if(evt) { target = evt.target; if(!target) target = evt.srcElement; } if(target && target.nodeName == 'IMG') alert('next/prev button'); alert('month changed:' + args.get_date() + ':' + args.get_oldDate());}</script><ig:WebMonthCalendar ID="WebMonthCalendar1" runat="server"> <ClientEvents VisibleMonthChanged="monthChanged" /></ig:WebMonthCalendar>