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FormView not updating when row changes

I have a master detail situation using a  WebDataGrid that is bound to an ObjectDataSource and a FormView that is bound to a seperate ObjectDataSource. When the page first loads, the Grid and FormView both display correctly, but as the user selects rows the FormView does not update.

 I have the grid set to fire a server side row selected event when the row changes. When the row changes I get the key from the selected row and then set it on the parameter of the ObjectDataSource that the FormView is bound to. When I step through the code the event fires, I get the key I am expecting, the class method fires and returns the dataset with the record I am expecting, but the screen does not update. I have tried it with and without the UpdatePanel but the page does not seem to redraw.

I am in Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4.0 with IE8. Any help would be appreciated.

  • 2783
    Verified Answer


    WebDataGrid by default works with AJAX enabled,  and when you update your FormView in the WebDataGrid's event, only WebDataGrid is going to update/repaint since it is the control that caused the callback.  Try putting both the WebDataGrid and the FormView into the UpdataPanel and setting WebDataGrid's EnableAjax property to false.


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