I have had a webspellchecker on an aspx page for some time now (see html & vb code below) and it has worked fine. Suddenly, a user reports that is is not working/responding anymore. When you click the button nothing happens. The (dare I say) "exact" code on another like page works fine though. I can't tell what has changed and I'm hoping someone can point it out to me, cause I've looked over it for two days and can see what is out of whack.
The html code below is not in a panel, webpanel, or other control. Just the (componentone) grid control with the html button and textbox in the grid. The page_init code is provided because that is where I assigned the physical path for the user dictionary.
Thanks in advance!!!
<C1WebGrid:C1WebGrid ID="c1Analysis" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#33CC66" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" DataKeyField="id" Font-Bold="False" Font-Italic="False" Font-Overline="False" Font-Strikeout="False" Font-Underline="False" PageSize="1" ShowHeader="False" Style="left: 15px; position: relative" Visible="true" Width="100%"> <FooterStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" /> <SelectedItemStyle BackColor="#009999" ForeColor="#CCFF99" /> <Columns> <C1WebGrid:C1BoundColumn AllowGroup="False" DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" ReadOnly="True" Visible="False"> </C1WebGrid:C1BoundColumn> <C1WebGrid:C1TemplateColumn AllowGroup="False" AllowMove="False" AllowSizing="False" HeaderText="Header"> <ItemTemplate> Analysis</ItemTemplate> <ItemStyle BackColor="#BBD4F8" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#003399" VerticalAlign="middle" Width="75px" Wrap="False" /> </C1WebGrid:C1TemplateColumn> <C1WebGrid:C1EditCommandColumn AllowGroup="False" AllowMove="False" AllowSizing="False" CancelText="<img src="../images/critical.gif" alt="Cancel editing" style="border:0" />" EditText="<img src="../images/pencil.gif" alt="Edit this item" style="border:0" />" HeaderText="Edit" UpdateText="<img src="../images/okcheck.gif" alt="Save changes" style="border:0" />"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="middle" Width="25px" Wrap="False" /> <HeaderStyle Font-Size="Smaller" ForeColor="#474747" /> </C1WebGrid:C1EditCommandColumn> <C1WebGrid:C1TemplateColumn AllowGroup="False" AllowMove="False" HeaderText="Analysis"> <EditItemTemplate> <button id="Button1" runat="server" style="font-size: 8pt; width: 80px; position: relative;" tabindex="3" type="button" visible="true"> Check Spelling</button> <br /> <asp:TextBox ID="txtAnalysis" runat="server" MaxLength="10000" Rows="4" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Analysis") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" ToolTip="10000 character maximum" Width="98%"></asp:TextBox> <igui:WebResizingExtender ID="WebResizingExtender2" runat="server" HandleClass="handleText" HandleImage="~/images/handlegrip2.png" TargetControlID="txtAnalysis" /> </EditItemTemplate> <UpdateBindings> <C1WebGrid:GridUpdateBinding ControlProperty="txtAnalysis.Text" UpdateField="Analysis" /> </UpdateBindings> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblAnalysis" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Analysis") %>' ToolTip="Analysis"></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </C1WebGrid:C1TemplateColumn> </Columns> <ItemStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#003399" HorizontalAlign="left" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" HorizontalAlign="Left" /> <HeaderStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#003399" /> </C1WebGrid:C1WebGrid>
<ig_spell:WebSpellChecker ID="Webspellchecker0" runat="server" ButtonId="Button1" EnableAppStyling="True" Style="position: static" StyleSetName="Nautilus" TextComponentId="txtAnalysis"> <SpellOptions IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions="True"> <PerformanceOptions CheckCompoundWords="True" /> </SpellOptions> <DialogOptions AllowMultipleDialogs="False" Modal="True" ShowNoErrorsMessage="True" SpellCheckText="Spell Checking Comments..." WindowHeight="435" WindowWidth="378" /> </ig_spell:WebSpellChecker>
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init Webspellchecker0.UserDictionaryFile = Server.MapPath(DictionaryFilePath) End Sub
No, I haven't. I did a work around tho, since I'm using a simple grid to display a single text control, I've temporarily changed it to a table made to look like a grid. Alot of extra code due to the edit/delete/cancel/update functionality. Since I am using a non-Infragistic grid, I think what I need to do is on initialization is create an instance of a textbox control by assigning ctype of the grid imbedded textbox to it and then assign it to the spellchecker, but I haven't had time to try it out.
Did you ever figure this our because this has happened to me.