Hi, I have a WebDropDown and WebDataTreeControls on the page. When selection is changed in WebDropDown I need to repopulate the tree - and do this without full postback. Is there a way to do that without WARP panels, using AJAX features of controls themselves? For example "SelectionChanged = Async" of the WebDropDown?
Actually only the markup for the control that caused the asynchronous postback is brought back to the client, but nothing else. Still, everything gets updated on the server. So i suggest to use an Update Panel, if your scenario involves updating more controls.
When you set the autopostback to async, it means the control fires the server event, but nothing is brought back to the client. If you want to do this, what I suggest is setting SelectionChanged to On so that a full page postback occurs. And then wrap the drop down and data tree inside of the same UpdatePanel.
regards,David Young