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Expand row by code

I have a page with a WebHierarchicalDataGrid displaying 2 band levels. The page may receive a querystring parameter which identify a row (primary key) on the first band to be expanded. How can I make the row expand on page load ? Should this be done In server code or javascript ? Please help.


  • 33839
    Verified Answer


    I'm not sure whether you mean to expand a root row or a row in level one, but that shouldn't matter too much, unless you are also using LoadOnDemand, which would make it hard on the client.  To expand a row on the client, try the following.

    function init(grid, args) {
                var grid = $find("WebHierarchicalDataGrid1");

    <ClientEvents Initialize="init" />

    If you would rather do it on the server, I did it in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid's DataBound event.

    protected void WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GridView.Rows[1].Expanded = true;

    Let us know if you need more help.

    David Young

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