I've been working on implementing the WebHierarchicalDataGrid for several weeks... I'm finally really close to being finished and was only tweaking some code in specific button events when all of the sudden when I click on the expand icon I'm getting a "Server does not respond" message and the grid will not expand. Since I haven't changed any of the datasource or grid properties or any client side code, and as I said I'm only working on events specifically triggered by clicking buttons I can't see how anything I've done would have caused the problem. I've tried rebooting my computer thinking given the message there might be some sort of communcation problem but to no avail. I just added an event handler for "RowIslandCreated" to see if it's even attempting to load the data and it appears it is. Does anyone have any insight on this fairly cryptic message?
I have an ongoing support case going on this. They sent back a working example, but support had changed the relation in the WebHierarchicalDataSource to an INT field (which works), so I'm still waiting on a solution that addresses a relation on GUID.
We use GUIDs as key fields almost exclusively. I've seen a history of problems with varioius IG controls choking on GUIDs. I think this is another one.
Thanks for your information in the meantime.
Well. I pretty much feel like a major idiot. The problem for me turned out to be in the third layer of the hierarctical dataset. The last query was running forever becuase a bug in some other code had filled the table up with several hundred thousand rows. I didn't notice this had happened, but saw it manifest itself as outlined above. The unfortunately part is that it manifests itself in the first level of the grid which completely threw me off. I found the problem by rebuilding the grid in another form step by step and saw it break when the third level was added.
Glad the problem is solved... and I'm sorry as I don't think this helps you much timeslice.
Yes, that's a similar experience for me... however, my joins are on "bigint"...not a GUID.
Anyway, based on your response I thought to test your theory on the type making a difference. So I modified the stored procedures that feed the grid by casting my join identifiers to "int" from "bigint" (which I could do since the numbers are so small in the development environment) but still couldn't get the grid to expand. As you say, it seems like it wants to expand. I see that it renders a small graphic icon (with a red x in it as the image isn't loaded) on the screen where the row would expand to if it could complete, but then I get the "Server does not respond" message. Unlike you however I get that message everytime assuming I wait long enough.
I am getting the same error and have narrowed down a problem (bug I would say) where if the WHDS is configured to join two tables using a GUID (IE: UniqueIdentifier in the database) then the row will not expand even though the expansion indicator is shown indicating there are child rows. I sometimes (not always) get the "Server does not respond" error, but the row NEVER expands.
Changing the relation so it is based on an INT or STRING resolves the problem, however all my tables use GUIDs as keys, so thats not an option. I'm about to submit a bug report on this. It is a TOTAL Showstopper for me.
Thanks for your response. Since the message is clearly from the grid itself I'm hoping either someone who's run into it or an Infragistics team member might comment and tell me what the message is in response to. Since my code hasn't changed and there's a TON of it, I'm not thinking that's going to help to much. Hopefully the origin of the message will provide me some clue so I can dig in and attempt to figure out what's happening. At this point I don't even know where to start looking.