When wendatamenu is working as a context menu it always keeps the top item focused. Take a look at the following image:
Here, when the contextmenu onpens up for the first time it keeps the "Add Child" item focused. Whenever we move the cursor on "deletenode", it keeps both the items focused. How to unfocus the first item? Please help on this.
Same thing is happening in the Aikido sample provided by Infragistics.
ASP. NET ajax (Aikido) >> WebDataMenu >> Context Menu
You will see the same thing is happening. May be it is an extra feature added with webdatamenu when used as a context menu. But I have to get rid of that feature. I would appreciate any help
I've already fixed the problem by changing the css.
After adding the application styling to the project, I got the folder "ig_res". I was currently working with the styleTheme "rubberblack". so under the folder ig_res>>rubberblack, I opened the css file "ig_datamenu.css".
Inside the css file, I changed the following css class to this:
.igdm_RubberBlackMenuItemVerticalRootActive { background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: top; background-color: Transparent; }
it was:
.igdm_RubberBlackMenuItemVerticalRootActive{ background-image: url(images/igdm_RootHover.png); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: top; background-color: #E2840B; border: 1px solid #4B4B4B;}
And it worked!!!!!!
See the screenshot:
Thanks. We will be waiting for the fix.
Hello and thank you for using Infragistics Controls.
This issue has been addressed and fixed. The fix should be included in the upcoming Service Release for both 9.1 and 9.2 versions. Just follow the release callendar for any updates.