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Access Data Source not pointing to MDB in App_Data, but the default in the users folder for infragistcs.

Where is the default connection being set for the WebScheduleInfo?  I have the following code and it's not pointing to the db?

<asp:accessdatasource id="adsMain" runat="server"
        datafile="~/App_Data/WebSchedule2.mdb" selectcommand=";" />
    <igsch:webscheduleinfo id="WebScheduleInfo1" runat="server" stylesetname=""
         stylesetpath="" stylesheetdirectory="">
     id="WebScheduleOleDbProvider1" runat="server"
     stylesetname="" stylesetpath="" stylesheetdirectory=""
    <h2>Upcoming Events</h2>   
    <igsch:webweekview id="WebWeekView1" runat="server"
         webscheduleinfoid="WebScheduleInfo1" enableautoactivitydialog="False"
         stylesetname="" stylesetpath="" stylesheetdirectory="">
        <clientevents click="WebWeekView1_Click" />
    <igsch:webdayview id="WebDayView1" runat="server" webscheduleinfoid="WebScheduleInfo1">