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How to change WebMonthView month w/o using Next button?

Hi Derek Harmon,


I resolved this issue. I have used extra "}" in my coding that was causing the problem.

Now its through. Thank you.

I have one more issue, From my Webmonthview control I am calling the Apoointmentadd.aspx, where i am editing the appointment.

After I save the appointment, in my parent page where i have WeMonthView to be reloaded with the latest month that i have updated. But after reload, the parent page is showing current month.

How can i change the display of webmonthview to some future month without using Next navigation button?





  • 4960
    Suggested Answer

    Have you set the ActiveDayUtc on the WebScheduleInfo to the future month you want to display? 

    Changing the ActiveDayUtc will also change to a future month any other views sharing the same WebScheduleInfo.  So if you have other views, then you may need the WebMonthView to use a different WebScheduleInfo from the others (the drawback here may be Activities have to be loaded by both WebScheduleInfos).

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